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Project Portfolio Management

Deliver Business Results & Elevate Your PMO with Planview Swajyot’s Project Portfolio Management (PPM).
We empower Organisations to align their project portfolios with strategic objectives, optimise resource allocation and deliver successful outcomes. With real-time visibility, robust analytics and scenario planning capabilities, Planview Swajyot’s PPM enables data-driven decision-making. We help Organisations to foster collaboration among teams, improves project execution and enhances governance. From demand management to benefits realisation, Planview Swajyot’s PPM streamlines the entire project lifecycle, ensuring projects are prioritized, resourced, and executed effectively.


With a modern approach to Project Management, you can get the work done that matters most to your Business


Prioritise and Focus on what matters most

Prioritise and Focus on high-value initiatives aligned with strategic objectives. Optimises resource allocation, enabling effective decision-making. Streamline your portfolio, increase efficiency & deliver successful outcomes with our PPM Solution.


Increase Operational Efficiency to reduce costs

Boosts Operational Efficiency, leading to cost reduction and capacity optimisation. By streamlining workflows, aligning projects with strategic goals and maximising resource utilisation, it enhances productivity and accelerates delivery.


Accelerate Strategic Project and Work Delivery

Accelerates strategic project and work delivery through PPM’s comprehensive features & capabilities. By leveraging Planview Swajyot’s solution, organisations gain the agility and efficiency needed to accelerate project delivery and achieve successful outcomes.

Advantages of Project Portfolio Management

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Solution Capabilities

Planning and Prioritisation

Strategically plan and optimise your project portfolios, ensure alignment with business goals and maximise the success of their initiatives. Assess and model different scenarios to evaluate the impact of various project combinations and make informed decisions. Key elements are Strategic Roadmapping, Scenario Planning, Resource Capacity Planning, Demand Management, Benefit Assessment, Cost Management, Portfolio Scenario Analysis, Real-time Reporting, etc.

Strategic Alignment

Ensure that all projects and initiatives within the portfolio are closely aligned with the organisation's strategic goals and objectives. We help Organisations to effectively align their project portfolios with strategic goals, maximize the value delivered by their initiatives and drive successful execution of their strategic vision. Key elements are Strategic Roadmapping, Goal Cascading, Portfolio Prioritisation, Scenario Planning, etc.

Demand Capture

Efficient demand capture in PPM allows organisations to identify valuable projects, align their portfolios with strategic goals, and make informed decisions on resource allocation and project prioritisation. It helps maintain a structured and transparent approach to project intake, ensuring that resources are directed towards initiatives that best contribute to the organisation's success.

Resources & Capacity
Resource & Capacity management in a PPM solution enables organisations to optimise resource allocation, reduce bottlenecks, deliver projects on time, and ensure that projects align with the organisation's capacity to handle them. It enhances project execution, improves team productivity, and maximises the value delivered by the project portfolio. Key aspects include: Resource Allocation, Resource Forecasting, Capacity Planning, Resource Balancing, Demands vs. Capacity, Real-time Resource Tracking, etc.
Project Management

Effectively manage the execution of individual projects while maintaining visibility into the overall portfolio. This alignment enables organisations to make strategic decisions, prioritise projects, and optimise resources to deliver successful outcomes for the entire project portfolio. Key aspects include: Project Planning, Progress Tracking, Budget Management, Flexible Governance, Work Management, etc.

Team Delivery

Enhance project execution, maximise team productivity, and drive successful outcomes for the entire project portfolio. Empowered and high-performing teams play a crucial role in executing projects efficiently and achieving strategic objectives. Key elements are Collaborative Workspaces, Performance Monitoring, Task Assignment, Skills Development, Empowerment, Support and Coaching, Agile Adaption, etc.


Manage and analyse the financial aspects of projects and initiatives within the portfolio. Effective financial management helps ensure that projects align with the organisation's financial objectives and contribute to its overall financial success. Key elements in PPM's Financials are Forecasting & Financial Targets, Flexible Project Funding, Budget Tracking & Actuals, CAPEX & OPEX, Time & Expense Management, etc.

Performance Analytics

Real-time data-driven insights and metrics to measure, analyse and evaluate the performance of projects and initiatives within the portfolio. Flexible Reporting & Dashboarding, easily share with Stakeholders. Key aspects include: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Real-time Dashboards, Data Integration, Risk Analysis, etc.

Integrate Your existing Tools & Applications with Planview PPM Software

Integrate-MS Teams
Integrate-MS 365
Integrate-Oracle -PS

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Reach to us for Solution Demo

Experience the Power of Project Portfolio Management with our Solution Demo. Discover how it streamlines project planning, optimises resource allocation, and provides real-time insights. See how it aligns projects with strategic goals and enhances decision-making for successful project delivery and business growth.

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