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Planview® Advisor

Optimise R&D Portfolio Value with Planview Advisor Software.
Planview Advisor is a transformative software solution that empowers organisations to harness the full potential of their R&D portfolios. Through advanced analytics and AI-driven insights, it revolutionises decision-making processes, optimising resource allocation, mitigating risks and driving innovation. With a holistic view of projects and resources, organisations can align their initiatives with strategic objectives, ensuring optimal resource utilisation and prioritising high-value projects. Enhances visibility, collaboration and innovation across teams, fostering an environment of continuous improvement. By identifying trends, patterns and potential roadblocks, it enables proactive risk management and ensures that projects stay on track. 


Planview Advisor Features

Executive Decision Making
Empower executives to make well-informed decisions rooted in accurate business insights encompassing cost, risk and opportunity. Align R&D funding priorities with corporate strategy by assessing product rankings through versatile criteria tailored to your business objectives. Leverage the integrated optimisation engine to identify products aligning with various objectives, all while staying within budget constraints. Advisor actively incorporates real-time executive feedback, facilitating swift and informed portfolio decisions. Eliminate the need for supplementary slides laden with meta data; Advisor's interactive drill-down feature provides instant access to all pertinent data for addressing questions during meetings.
Business Case Valuation

Craft business case valuations with method-specific calculations, fortified by comprehensive product attribute descriptions, competitor analyses and market context. Step away from Excel as multi-dimensional array analytics and integrated simulations align with your unique product valuation approach. Prior to pivotal strategic investment choices, evaluate initiative factors like risk, opportunity, cost, schedule and partnerships. Ensure data integrity through optional workflow management, requiring approval before integration into the live portfolio. Advisor's publication capability facilitates change tracking, granting a comprehensive change audit trail for product data. Utilise built-in variance analysis to contrast present strategies with alternate scenarios or historical data, enabling well-informed decision-making.

Portfolio Reporting

Enhance communication of R&D portfolio status, variances and forecasts with real-time visual reporting. Elevate decision-making with diverse chart options such as bullseye, flag, treemap and waterfall. Replace manual processes and spreadsheets with customisable portfolio reviews and out-of-the-box reports. Configure dashboards to address critical R&D portfolio queries at a glance, expediting executive decisions. Export presentations effortlessly or individual visualisations as images or PDFs for seamless sharing and efficient data-driven choices across the organisation.

Uncertainty & Simulation

Enhance the robustness of your portfolio by efficiently aligning funded products with strategic objectives for long-term planning. Integrate technical, market and competitive uncertainties into forecasts to address product risks. Gain a comprehensive view of portfolio uncertainty through embedded simulation methods like Monte Carlo Analysis. Identify key R&D portfolio risk factors using sensitivity analysis and tornado diagrams. Explore how individual risks impact the entire portfolio, including interdependencies. Advisor supports multiple probability distributions, ensuring precise and customisable data forecasting to suit your needs.

Scenario Analysis

Strategically analyse the impact of real and hypothetical disruptions on your portfolio's value. Develop multiple development and market scenarios for each product to identify optimal combinations within your portfolio. Create alternate portfolios using integrated tools, assessing trade-offs and aligning with organisational objectives. Visualise the effects of revenue shortfalls, cost overruns and delays on R&D portfolio value. Dive into scenario differences, highlighting products with the most significant value impact. Integrate partnership deals, acquisitions, potential products and existing offerings to create a holistic view of your organisation's future.


Effortlessly connect to internal spreadsheets, databases and applications through seamless integrations, ensuring a unified data source. Upload data product-wise from existing Excel sheets or a comprehensive portfolio spreadsheet. Generate Excel files with selected inputs for easy import and export. Securely transfer data using CSV files between internal data repositories and Planview Advisor. Built-in secure channels facilitate connection to internal databases and applications.


Take the Next Step !
Reach to us for Product Demo

Experience the power of Planview Advisor in our demo. Explore how it helps optimise R&D portfolios, make informed decisions and visualise scenarios. Discover seamless integrations, scenario analysis, real-time reporting and more. See how Advisor transforms your R&D strategy and enhances decision-making.

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