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Professional Services Automation

Modernize Your Business with Planview Swajyot’s Professional Services Automation (PSA).
Comprehensive Platform designed to optimise and streamline professional services operations. With Planview Swajyot’s Professional Automation, Organisations can efficiently manage projects, resources, finances, and client relationships. The platform facilitates collaboration among cross-functional teams, enhances project visibility, and ensures timely and successful project delivery. Planview Swajyot’s PSA enables Organisations to improve operational efficiency, increase client satisfaction and drive business growth.

Professional Services Automation-IMG

Gain Competitive Edge, Improve Flexibility & Drive Customer Success with Planview Swajyot's Professional Services Automation Solution


Maximise Operational Efficiency & Customer Success

Maximise Operational Efficiency & Customer Success by providing a comprehensive solution to manage all aspects of professional services delivery. Streamline project planning, resource allocation, and financial management, optimising resource utilisation and project profitability.


Sell more services throughout the Customer Lifecycle

Enables Organisations to sell more services throughout the customer lifecycle by optimising service delivery & enhancing customer satisfaction. With streamlined project planning & resource management, Organisations can deliver projects on time and within budget, building trust with customers.


Safeguard the Business with better Customer Retention

Real-time insights & data-driven decision-making enable proactive issue resolution and superior service quality. With centralised visibility into customer engagements and historical data, Organisations can identify customer preferences and pain points, tailoring services to meet specific needs.

Advantages of Professional Services Automation

Professional Services Automation Solution Capabilities

Strategic Alignment

We ensure that professional services projects and engagements are closely aligned with your Organisation's strategic goals and objectives. The platform provides a centralised view of all projects and resources, enabling Organisations to prioritise initiatives that best support their strategic direction. Strategic Alignment with Planview Swajyot's PSA enables Organisations to focus on projects that deliver the most significant impact, enhancing overall business success and competitive advantage.


Empower Organisations to efficiently and effectively manage their projects and resources. The platform provides robust planning capabilities, allowing teams to create detailed project plans, allocate resources based on skills and availability, and establish realistic timelines and budgets. Collaborative tools enable seamless communication among cross-functional teams, streamlining planning and coordination.


Real-time visibility into project progress, resource allocation, and financials, allowing teams to track performance and make data-driven decisions. With streamlined project management and collaboration tools, teams can deliver projects on time, within budget, and with high-quality results. Automated workflows and standardized processes reduce manual effort and ensure consistency across projects.

Performance Analytics

Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and project metrics. By analysing project performance, resource utilisation, and financials, Organisations can make data-driven decisions to optimize project delivery and resource allocation. It allows for proactive identification of potential risks and opportunities, fostering continuous improvement. Drive operational efficiency, enhance project profitability, and achieve better outcomes across professional services portfolio.


The platform allows teams to track project budgets, costs, and revenue, enabling accurate forecasting and budget control. By integrating financial data with project and resource information, Organisations can identify profitable projects, optimise resource allocation, and improve project profitability. Financials with Planview Swajyot's PSA streamlines invoicing and billing processes, ensuring timely and accurate invoicing to clients.

Drive Strategy Enterprise-Wide by Integrating existing Application with Planview PSA Software

Integrate-MS Teams
Integrate-MS 365
Professional Services Automation-Int

Take the Next Step !
Reach to us for Solution Demo

Experience the Power of Professional Services Automation with our Solution Demo. Looking to adapt to market and business changes, be more competitive, and drive adoption and retention, modernise your business and service delivery with Planview Swajyot’s Professional Services Automation Solution.

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