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Value Stream Management

Transform into High Performing Organisation with Planview Swajyot’s Value Stream Management.
With our comprehensive Platform, designed to optimise and streamline value delivery across the entire Organisation by visualising, analysing and improving the flow of work through value streams. We help Organisations to identify bottlenecks, optimise processes and align work with strategic goals, ultimately driving greater efficiency and value. Planview Swajyot’s Value Stream Management Solution empowers organisations to deliver value faster, reduce waste, and improve overall performance. The Solution combines Lean and Agile practices to enhance collaboration, accelerate product delivery and provide real-time insights into the end-to-end value stream, ensuring that Organisations can continuously adapt to meet customer needs and business objectives.


Level up the Performance of Your Organisation with Planview Swajyot's Value Stream Management Solution


Improve time-to-market and predictability

Organisations can improve time-to-market and predictability by optimising value delivery processes. Prioritise high-value initiatives, align work with strategic objectives and accelerate product delivery.


Streamline software development to unlock capacity

Streamline software development processes to unlock capacity and optimise resource utilisation. With optimised software development processes, Organisations increase productivity, reduce lead times and free up resources.


Stay modern and compliant by addressing debt and risk

Stay modern and compliant by addressing technical debt and mitigating risks. Continuous Analysis of the value stream ensures that compliance requirements are met throughout the development lifecycle.

Advantages of Value Stream Management

Value Stream Management (VSM) Solution Capabilities

Value Stream Analytics

With Planview Swajyot's Value Stream Management, Organisations gain real-time visibility into performance, bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Powerful data-driven insights into the entire value delivery process. Through interactive dashboards and reports, stakeholders can make informed decisions, optimise processes and prioritise high-value initiatives. Value Stream Analytics enables teams to proactively identify and address risks, reduce cycle times and improve overall efficiency.

Shift from Project to Product

We help Organisations to shift from a traditional project-centric approach to a more product-focused mindset. This shift enables a continuous flow of value, promoting collaboration, iterative development and frequent customer feedback. The product-centric approach fosters a customer-centric culture, optimising resource allocation and increasing overall business agility.

Governance & Compliance

Governance & Compliance in Planview Swajyot's Value Stream Management Solution ensures that Organisations adhere to industry standards, regulations and internal policies throughout the value delivery process. The solution enables teams to maintain transparency and accountability, documenting compliance efforts. With automated compliance checks and audit trails, Organisations can confidently meet regulatory obligations and internal governance standards while delivering value efficiently and effectively.

Toolchain Integration
Seamless connectivity and data exchange with various software development and DevOps tools used in the value delivery process. This integration streamlines data flow, automates data capture, and provides real-time updates on project progress and performance. Teams can access a centralised dashboard, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors. With Toolchain Integration, Organisations can optimise collaboration, accelerate delivery, and make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information, enhancing overall value stream efficiency.

Integrate Your existing Tools & Applications with Planview VSM Software


Take the Next Step !
Reach to us for Solution Demo

Experience the Power of Value Stream Management with our Solution Demo. Experience the Transformative Power of Value Stream Management with our live demo. See how it visualises and optimises value delivery, identifies bottlenecks and enhances collaboration. Gain real-time insights and proactively address risks. Streamline workflows and align work with strategic goals.

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