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Planview® IdeaPlace

Unleash Innovation with Planview IdeaPlace – Where Great Ideas Take Flight, Harnessing the Power of the Finest Innovation Management Software in the Market.
Planview IdeaPlace redefines innovation by offering a platform that captures, refines, and materializes great ideas. It fosters collaboration, engaging employees and stakeholders in idea generation. With streamlined workflows, it accelerates idea evaluation and execution. IdeaPlace ensures that the best concepts are identified, developed, and transformed into valuable outcomes. Empowers organisations to innovate consistently, enhance employee engagement and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Experience improved ideation, efficient evaluation, and accelerated innovation cycles, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage with Planview IdeaPlace.


Planview IdeaPlace Features

Unified Innovation Ecosystem

Unite your organisation's innovation efforts within a cohesive value delivery ecosystem. Engage in a seamless process of broadcasting challenges, capturing ideas, uncovering opportunities, and resolving issues. With preconfigured and customisable templates, address specific innovation scenarios efficiently. Capture inspiration on the move: access challenges, post ideas, vote, comment, and collaborate from any location. Seamlessly transition your top ideas to Planview Portfolios and AdaptiveWork, streamlining prioritisation, funding, resourcing, collaboration and execution.

Democratised Ideation

Foster a dynamic culture of innovation, encouraging impactful ideas from all corners. Democratise ideation, enabling users to initiate and oversee challenges independently, no admin or templates needed. Harness social media-style features to boost community and engagement, nurturing ideas rather than just gathering them. Prioritise diversity of thought by empowering users to assess revenue, cost and delivery time for each idea.

Idea to Execution Management
Drive data-powered innovation management from concept to impact. Tailor guidance for users with personalised, multilingual content. Enhance team effectiveness by adding skills and interests to profiles, enabling targeted challenge distribution. Capture ideas with customisable forms, beginning with a standard format and expanding into various configurations. Automate idea prioritisation and expert evaluation, streamlining workflows. Use scoring methods for efficient prioritisation, reducing manual review. Embrace end-to-end automation, propelling innovation from crowd selection to expert evaluation.
Intelligent Analytics & Prioritisation

Assess the influence of emerging trends and sentiments in innovation endeavors. Employ Natural Language Processing (NLP) to unite similar ideas, enhancing focus on potent concepts, all without administrative intervention. Seamlessly analyse vast text and sentiment data through advanced Natural Language Processing. Identify pivotal trends and themes for leveraging opportunities and delivering customer value via data-driven innovation. Amplify Business Intelligence with integrated Microsoft Power BI, standard and personalised dashboards, reporting and AI-enhanced analytics to comprehensively assess program components.

Guided Idea Evaluation
Integrate data, technology, and collective wisdom as the bedrock of data-driven assessment. Begin swiftly with preconfigured templates for uniformity, or tailor challenges through an admin panel with embedded guides. Engage crowd feedback via public or private comments, adopting social media-style "likes" or star-based idea ratings. Employ gamification components like badges and points for heightened engagement, supported by a reputation tool for evaluating user contributions. Rank ideas impartially at any stage using an advanced branching algorithm, leveraging previous user assessments to establish pairings solely on merit.

Planview IdeaPlace extends Innovation Management functionalities across various Planview Solutions


Strategic Portfolio Management

Unlock Agile, Data-Driven Decision-Making with Planview Strategic Portfolio Management. Seamlessly align projects with business strategy, optimise resource allocation and mitigate risks. Gain real-time visibility, foster collaboration and achieve remarkable results.


Project Portfolio Management

Experience Planview Project Portfolio Management: Streamline project lifecycles, align Strategies with execution & optimise resource utilisation. From planning to delivery, empower teams, enhance productivity and achieve Project Excellence with Planview’s PPM.


Enterprise Agile Planning

Adapt swiftly to changes, optimise resource deployment and align agile practices with strategic goals. Elevate your Organisation’s Agility, enhance outcomes and achieve unparalleled success with Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning.

PPM 1_Planview

Product Portfolio Management

Prioritise winning ideas, optimise resource allocation & align projects with market demands. Elevate product success, foster collaboration and achieve business goals with Planview, your key to effective Product Portfolio Management.


Professional Services Automation

Empowers service organisations to link project, resource and financial management functionalities, providing holistic visibility throughout the opportunity-to-revenue lifecycle.


Take the Next Step !
Reach to us for Product Demo

Explore the Power of Innovation with a Planview IdeaPlace Demo. Witness seamless idea creation, engagement and management. Experience real-time collaboration, streamline innovation workflows and unleash your team’s creative potential. Elevate your innovation journey and transform ideas into valuable outcomes. Schedule your demo now!

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