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Planview® ProjectPlace

Achieve Seamless Productivity with Planview ProjectPlace Collaborative Work Management Software – All Your Tasks in a Single Hub.
Combining online team collaboration tools with robust collaborative work management software, Planview ProjectPlace equips dispersed teams with everything they need for effective project management and daily task completion. Discover the ease of project planning, task scheduling, document collaboration and progress tracking through integrated Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and communication tools. Efficiently organise work with both internal and external teams using Planview ProjectPlace. 


Planview ProjectPlace Features

Project Planning & Delivery

Effortlessly devise your project with swift, lightweight planning. Allocate tasks to teams and interlink the plan with team boards. Oversee real-time progress to preempt obstacles. Craft your project plan and establish links between project workstream elements, activities, and milestones using integrated Kanban boards and Gantt charts. Explore new workspace concepts within Projectplace. Keep project advancement in check by visualising objectives and plans through modernised classic Gantt charts. Gain insights into workflow and progress across all team projects and commitments. Proactively recognize and address potential hindrances on the path to project success. Seamlessly integrate work from various tools (such as Microsoft Teams and Zapier) to ensure smooth information flow and heightened visibility for teams and managers.

Team Collaboration

Facilitate real-time collaboration among teams and individuals, fostering innovation, solution discovery and information exchange. Initiate Zoom meetings directly from Projectplace, conducting daily stand-ups, team syncs and impromptu meetings within the work-centric Projectplace environment. Encourage team engagement by enabling instant sharing of feedback, ideas and queries. Capture project-related updates contextually via comments and conversations. Unite teams for creative problem-solving through a versatile freeform whiteboard, converting brainstorming into actionable tasks. Access your work and collaborate via project management apps for iOS and Android, empowering assignment updates, document reviews and team interactions.

Content Management
Empowerful content management for seamless creation, storage, sharing and collaboration on project-related materials within a Unified Platform. Foster collaboration by enabling file sharing and attachment to Kanban boards from diverse sources. Exercise version control and manage access rights for documents. Safeguard shared content with robust access control and data loss prevention policies. Ensure consistency and efficiency using templates that capture organisational standards. Utilise native content management, supporting various formats with versioning, reviews and digital signatures. Integrate third-party content management services to consolidate project-related content within one platform.
Reporting & Follow Up

Experience comprehensive and multi-tiered reporting for overseeing project and team advancement, ensuring their success. Elevate project team efficacy by offering consolidated views of forthcoming, ongoing, and overdue tasks across yourself, teams and workspaces. Simplify time tracking and management for users, including time reporting for all tasks and activities. Leverage project dashboards and reports to graphically represent progress, track proximity to deadlines, and detect potential bottlenecks. Empower stakeholders to monitor project performance and address concerns effectively. Visualise and analyse team and project members' capacity, assignments, and engagements, spanning the entire organisation.

Planview ProjectPlace extends collaborative Work Management functionalities to various Planview Solutions


Strategic Portfolio Management

Unlock Agile, Data-Driven Decision-Making with Planview Strategic Portfolio Management. Seamlessly align projects with business strategy, optimise resource allocation and mitigate risks. Gain real-time visibility, foster collaboration and achieve remarkable results.


Project Portfolio Management

Experience Planview Project Portfolio Management: Streamline project lifecycles, align Strategies with execution & optimise resource utilisation. From planning to delivery, empower teams, enhance productivity and achieve Project Excellence with Planview’s PPM.


Enterprise Agile Planning

Adapt swiftly to changes, optimise resource deployment and align agile practices with strategic goals. Elevate your Organisation’s Agility, enhance outcomes and achieve unparalleled success with Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning.

PPM 1_Planview

Product Portfolio Management

Prioritise winning ideas, optimise resource allocation & align projects with market demands. Elevate product success, foster collaboration and achieve business goals with Planview, your key to effective Product Portfolio Management.


Professional Services Automation

Empowers service organisations to link project, resource and financial management functionalities, providing holistic visibility throughout the opportunity-to-revenue lifecycle.

Integrate Your existing Tools & Applications with Planview ProjectPlace


Take the Next Step !
Reach to us for Product Demo

Discover Enhanced Collaboration with a Planview ProjectPlace Demo. Witness streamlined work management, real-time progress tracking, and seamless team communication. Experience integrated Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and more. Schedule your demo now to explore the future of Collaborative Work Management!

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